The Mission

From my own experience, writing poetry has helped me to overcome and understand many things about life and myself. This blog will be an open journal for all who care to read it. You are also welcome to participate in any free writing activities as well as post your poems for review or just to share.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sonnet #1 - Group Writing from "Rewriting..." Workshop

I am the darker sister who stood up
'gainst the one who robbed me and my fam'ly
said we weren't worthy to drink from the cup
but I am human though I stand quietly.
I got pushed back down when others came near
stood back up once I knew I couldn't fail
rising above what I have always feared-
my happiness and faith no longer jailed.
Joy fills my soul today forever no tears.
Now, listen to me dance, shout, sing, and praise.
For they cannot rush in and crush my cheers.
My spirit uplifted, my heart I raise.
To the heavens, Hallejuah, I shout!
I am the darker sister. That's no doubt!

Written by Esuvat, Heddy, Becky, and Linetta